One of the most common reasons that patients visit our orthodontists for treatment is to correct misaligned teeth. Leaving wonky teeth to go untreated can expose us to multiple health complications, including poor dental hygiene leading to a higher risk of gum disease and dental decay due to food stagnation in harder to clean areas.
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The start of a new year is a time for change for many people. After a long period of overindulgence at Christmas, we strive to better ourselves by setting goals for the months ahead, and these typically centre around improving our appearance through weight loss. However, new year’s resolutions aren’t just restricted to going to
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Are you one of the millions of adults in the UK who are unhappy, self-conscious and embarrassed about your smile? Many people unfortunately spend their entire lives covering their mouths when they laugh, smile or talk – they feel stuck because they do not want to wear adult metal braces for years or they are
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